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4 Tricks Professional Groomers use to Keep Pets Still

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

One of the reasons most people take their pets to a professional groomer is because groomers seem to have the magic to get pets to stay still. In reality most pets don’t like strangers, they tend to be anxious and fearful, yet somehow groomers are to performed tricks to ensure a successful grooming session.

Tone of Voice

The words a groomer uses, and the tone usage which he or she speaks to pets during the grooming session does wonders on providing a calming effect on pets to stay still. Authoritative and harsh tone make pets nervous. Friendly and gentle ones calm them down. With gentleness, patience and rewards, pets can and will sit still. Rewards such as treats are extremely helpful to distract pets! They tend to concentrate on chewing and wanting more which takes their mind away on everything that is going on in the room.


This will be the harsh truth - the existence of grooming noose. Now before you make a quick judgement, this is essential to assist pet to stay still and well-centered on the grooming table without hurting them. It may sound scary as it is attached with a tall metal bar shaped as an upside-down L, the noose loop restrains the pet around his or her neck but actually it acts as the same functionality when we bring our pets out with a leash, and also prevent the pet from jumping off the table. When does it tighten? Only when the pet pulls. Do most pet groomer use grooming noose? That will depend on the behavior of the pet and usually more applicable to those that is particularly wiggly.


Ever noticed that sometimes the colour on the surface of grooming tables/around bathing areas changes, especially if you have been patronizing from the same pet shop over the years? That is none other than non-slip surfaces that ease the job for pet groomer to hold the position of pets for grooming services. It is harmless for animals, washable, comfortable and most importantly on making the grooming session an enjoyable one.

Safe Haven

Our pets always smell great whenever they are back from a grooming session. It is a familiar scent? Well, you guessed it right... Its Lavender. The soothing and calming effect does not only do wonders to human but also animals, especially with their keen sense of smell. Some pet groomers will infuse the space with calming pheromones in the air or essential oils through a diffuser. Others, will use Lavender base shampoos.

Are you having trouble keeping your pet still? At Groom2u, our groomers are professionally trained to assist you in this manner. Drop us an email to find out more :)


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